Accueil > Welcome to Eleo Conseil

Welcome to Eleo Conseil

  • Setting up and monitoring European Projects
  • Search for funding
  • Training and awareness
1. Setting up and monitoring European Projects

Setting up applications, management and animation of European projects

Global expertise, good knowledge of the technical constraints and efficient methodology : the winning combination for your development !
For the past 10 years, Eléo Conseil has supported organizations of all sizes in the research and setting up of European funding, which can be combined with other funding (State, local authorities, foundations …).
We work for projects that are part of the European innovation policy or contribute to European development, such as sustainable development or promotion of European synergies. Eléo Conseil helps many local authorities, associations and companies with innovative projects to find tools and make their project development possible.
Our service adapts to your requirements and your resources :

  • Search for funding
  • Definition of the project framework
  • Guidance
  • Leading of meetings
  • Writing successful applications
  • Full Support

Do you think your project is eligible for European funding ?
Have you found a call for proposals for which the methodology is crucial ?
Are you looking for a funding for your project, but European funding seems abstract to you ?
Contact the team of Eléo Conseil for a first free overview of your situation !

2. Search for funding

The modality of funding may change, but the innovative projects always find a way…

We offer our expertise and deep knowledge of the current modalities to guide you towards the combined solutions, most suited to your development prospects.
Our multidisciplinary approach will allow us to quickly find ways to suite your project in the funding process. We will carry out a full research and present you the different possible scenarios.
If needed, we can then assist you in the grant application and call for project writing (or accompany you with training modules).

3. Training and awareness

We guide you to understand the universe of funding

Eléo Conseil creates and produces custom-made training courses about project writings and fundings.
We also support local authorities on specific programs such as Erasmus + (Maïté Cosnard, Director of Eléo Conseil, is expert evaluator Erasmus +).
Do not hesitate to contact us for the available trainings or submit your specific needs.
Evaluate the use of European funds
We bring our expertise to local authorities to objectively evaluate the use of distributed funds.


Eléo Conseil
Sillon de Bretagne
1 rue de l’angevinière - 44800 Saint-Herblain
Mob : +33
SIRET : 809 609 837 00012

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Tous droits réservés - Eléo Conseil 2022